Join Us in Prayer

"Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him." Psalm 62:5

There is Power In Prayer

“At Pray Lubbock, we believe that prayer is powerful and transformative. We invite you to join us as we pray for our city, our leaders, and each other. Whether you’re looking to submit a prayer request, become part of our prayer network, or learn more about the needs of our community, we’re here to support you.

Moses' Prayer Made a Huge Difference!

Referring to Moses' time on the mountain with God, recorded in Exodus 32:7-14, Warren Weirsbe said this: "The people of Israel had no idea what Moses had experienced on the mountain and how close they had come to being rejected by God and destroyed. Never underestimate the spiritual power of a dedicated man or woman who knows how to intercede with God. One of our greatest needs today is for intercessors who can lay hold of God's promises and trust God to work in mighty power."