Friday, May 17, 2024

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NOTE: This is a 24-hour fast (skipping two meals). 

I. Know WHY You Fast 

A. There are many legitimate reasons to fast, yet any one of these is a "SECONDARY FOCUS" 

1. Spiritual Renewal or Breakthrough 

2. Guidance in a Decision 

3. Healing 

4. Spiritual Discipline 

5. Intercession, etc. 

B. The "PRIMARY FOCUS" of any fast should be to draw close to and commune with the Lord. 

II. HOW To Begin The Fast 

A. Reduce your normal intake of food the day before you fast. 

B. Begin after tile evening meal (eat no food, drink water only). 

C. Forego your morning meal, try to spend extra time in prayer. 

D. Set aside time at lunch to pray and spend time before Him in the word. Take time to listen for His voice for "prayer promptings" from His word. 

E. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. This is necessary for your body, but will also ease hunger pains. 

F. Break your fast with a normal evening meal. 

III. WHEN You Fast 

A. Try to remain in an attitude of prayer and communion throughout the day. 

B. You may find you have a heighten sensitivity to spiritual things. Keep your focus on the Lord. 

C. You may wish to keep a journal of your impressions of the day or to document a word the Lord speaks to you. 

D. Hunger pains through the day can also be a call and reminder to prayer. 

E. Use "breath prayers" to help maintain an attitude of prayer throughout the day. Definition: A "breath prayer" is one that can be spoken in one breath. Examples: “Lord, protect our pastor today" "Father, let our pastor know Your love today" "Holy Spirit, speak to our pastor." "Lord, provide him with everything he needs." 

For more information on fasting for longer periods of time click here:

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